Although the Chia coin is a very popular coin, rising from 3000th place to 114th place on Coinmarketcap within the first 3 weeks of its launch, it is still not traded on the most popular exchanges in the CZ/SK. Therefore, we have only a few options where to buy or sell Chia coin. Hopefully this will change in the future.
So where to buy or sell Chia coin?
This is one of the largest crypto exchanges in the CZ/SK not much used time tested on the day the Chia coin entered this exchange trades worth 80 million USD were made on this exchange. Currently I see it as the safest option.
When you sign up from this link you will get a $10 welcome bonus
The second largest exchange allowing trading in chiacoins. I have no personal experience with it. At the time of Chiacoin’s listing, it recorded Ciacoin trades of 20 million. USD.
Medium sized exchange and third in order when it comes to trading chiacoins. I have no personal experience.
The smallest cryptocurrency exchange allowing trading of Chia coins. I have no personal experience with it.